Moving house with kids and animals – 10 things to make it easier today

Relocating with the whole family alongside your fluffy friends is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful. From your kids wailing about how they don’t want to leave their loving home,  to the dog ferociously barking about nothing, and the tensions drastically increasing between you and your partner, it can all seem like it is getting a bit much. It is revealed that the single biggest worry with moving was looking after the kids and pets also become very attached to their own territory so a house move can be very disorientating and unsettling, which is why we are here to show you the ways to make it easier for you and everyone else involved.   


1.       Give your children lots of time
It is easy to think that the less time your kids know that they are moving, the less time they will have to worry. But by talking to them, this will help them get used to the idea and will go a long way to alleviate them for any anxieties they may have when the time comes to venture into this big change.


2.       Be organised
Make sure your labelling skills are up to scratch, as this will help to minimise the clutter around a potentially chaotic house, especially dealing with all your children’s bits and pieces. It is also a particularly good idea to label your child’s belongings because at any point they may want to you to find an obscure item, so if that is labelled you can find it quickly. It will keep them happy and just as importantly you will remain sane!


3.       Get other members of the family to help out

Setting up weekly visits for your kids to stay with relatives or friends will come in very handy. For the kids, sometimes nothing beats going round to their grandparents for some chocolate cake or to see their favourite aunt who spoils them rotten. Even a couple of hours at a friend’s house can help take the stress away. Plus, friends and family will understand what you are going through and will want to help wherever they can, so take advantage of that. It is also a good idea to leave your pet with friends or family on the moving day, so they are out of the way and in a calmer environment.


4.       Kids love games!   
As we all know, kids love to play and pretend so a great tip for moving house with kids is to turn the moving day, or even the lead-up, into a fun game. This will help them be more interested in what is happening, and it will undoubtedly help you relax and enjoy the moment too. Moving into a new home is a massive step and we often get caught up in the whole stressful mindset, simply because we have developed a bad habit of it. You need to release this energy and brighten up the day with a bit of fun and light-heartedness, both for your child’s sake and your own.  And we are sure whatever fluffy four-legged friend you have they will add to the fun too!

5.       Give the kids a role

To make the process more real for your kids, is to get them involved as much as possible. Whether it is allowing them to pick the colour of their room or letting them help you pack certain items or giving them a specific moving day role, they will love it. Not only will they feel included, but it will also give you the perfect opportunity to have those little chats about how they are feeling.


6.       Make pets feel at home

To get your pets settled in, unpack the animals bedding, food and toys first to make them feel at home right away, so at least it is out of the way and it is one less thing to worry about. And vice versa for when you are just about to move, it is advisable to pack your pet’s things until last as the presence of familiar toys and blankets will keep them at ease.


7.       What can you do in the new area? Make a list

The area you are moving to might be entirely different from the previous area you were in, which gives you and your family an exciting chance to explore new things and activities together. It is good to make a list and discuss it with them as this will get them all excited instead of dealing with those sad little faces when the time comes.


8.       Give them extra love and attention
No matter what, our pets love us unconditionally, and they always crave so much affection from us as owners, so it is important that we reciprocate it, especially in more unusual circumstances. If you have a dog, maybe go for extra walks which will not only benefit them it will mentally benefit you too. It is a no-brainer but just give them extra love and attention, which will signal to them that this sudden change is not anything to do with them.


9.       Self-care  
At Zen Move our essence is to prioritise self-care because without this, it is harder to stay in control of everything else. If you find yourself getting stressed, your kids and pets will sense this too, so it is also a really important time to take care of yourself as well. Being mindful of this, ensure you are eating well, create time for exercise, read if it helps or even walk the dog…simple things like this will go a long way.


10.   Stick to the usual routine and still remember to have fun
It is easy to forget what truly matters when moving into a new house, with so many other priorities and distractions, maybe it feels like there is less time to be family-orientated. But continuing with the things you used to do is imperative, such as playing games, having family meals, and walks with the dog. If you have the same routine you did in the last house, then it will feel more familiar along with an exciting change.



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